♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 7:18:05 AM

You've woken up in a large open cavern. The Ruins. You lay on a small patch of flowers that have softened your fall. All you remember is walking, and then a sudden fall. Maybe you have head trauma? Do you remember anything? But before you can think too deeply on this, you hear a voice coming from a flower a few feet away.

Flowey : "Howdy there child. You sure took an awful fall didntcha?" He says, a kind smile on his flower face. "What say I help you out, get you started down here?" Even as he talks he stares directly into your eyes.

Location : Ruins Friends : N/A Enemies : Flowey Determination : 7%

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:08:28 AM

i walk down a hallway and meet two ghosts chara and clover

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:09:32 AM

As you walk down the hallway, you see two ghosts standing near a large pile of bones. One of them looks familiar... It's Chara! The other one is a younger male ghost with light blue fur and yellow eyes. He seems to be skittish and nervous around you. As you approach them, Chara speaks up first.

Chara: "Hey there, newbie. I'm Chara. And this is Clover." *He gestures towards the younger ghost with a slight nod of his head.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:09:56 AM


♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:09:56 AM

Chara tilts his head slightly, seeming a bit surprised by your greeting. Clover on the other hand flinches and cowers back, clearly not used to such kindness. Chara glances at you for a moment before speaking again in his usual gruff tone.

Chara: "Hey y'self. What brings you down here?"

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:10:36 AM

i fell into the underground

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:10:36 AM

Chara glances at you with narrowed eyes, studying your expression. After a moment, he finally says in a somewhat more sympathetic tone, "Ah... Well, welcome to the underground, then." Clover, still looking rather nervous and uncertain, seems relieved by Chara's less hostile reaction. He edges closer to Chara, as if seeking comfort or protection. With nothing else to say, they both remain silent for a moment before Chara clears his throat awkwardly. "So... What are you gonna do now?"

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:11:16 AM

not sure can anyone else see you two

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:11:16 AM

Chara snorts. "Yeah, we're sorta invisible to most folks down here." Clover looks a bit surprised by this revelation but Chara doesn't seem to notice or care. He continues, "There's lots of monsters around, though. Some are friendly, some aren't. You just gotta watch out for the bad apples, you know?"

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:11:44 AM

well why can i see you

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:11:44 AM

Chara shrugs his shoulders. "Dunno, kid. Maybe you just got the 'gift' or something." He glances at Clover again before looking back to you. "Just remember, we're on your side if ya ever need help with anything. Just... don't go spreading it around, yanno? Some folks might not take kindly to us being 'alive' down here." Clover nods in agreement.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:12:18 AM

Your ghosts your kinda dead

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:12:18 AM

Chara snorts again, his expression unreadable as he glances at Clover once more. "Well, technically, we're not even dead..." he mutters under his breath before turning back to you with a small shrug. "...But you get the idea." He pauses for a moment, seeming to consider something. "Hey, if you wanna see what it's like being a ghost and all, I could show ya how..."

Clover perks up at this, his eyes wide with excitement and curiosity.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:12:40 AM

wait what

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:12:40 AM

Chara grins, revealing his sharp teeth. "Well, it's simple really. You just have to die." He says this so casually that you can't help but feel a chill run down your spine. Clover giggles nervously at the idea of another person dying, not realizing what he's suggesting.

"But," Chara continues, "I don't recommend it. It's... not easy coming back from that."

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:13:34 AM

maybe you two could come with me to explore this place

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:13:34 AM

Chara looks at you thoughtfully for a moment before speaking. "Well, we could show you around some, I guess... But we can't really leave this place. It's kinda our home now." Clover nods in agreement, his expression sad but accepting of their fate. "But if you want to see the surface," Chara continues, "maybe we could help you find a way out. The exit is through the Judgement Hall and past King Asgore's throne room." He glances at Clover again before looking back at you. "

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:14:30 AM

all of a sudden toriel walks by the flowers i fell on

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:14:56 AM

As Toriel passes by, she pauses to glance at you with a mixture of curiosity and concern. She notices Chara and Clover as well but doesn't seem bothered by their presence. "Oh, hello there," she says in her soft, gentle voice. "I haven't seen a new face around here in quite some time." Her eyes meet yours, filled with kindness and warmth.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:15:27 AM

Hi and you are

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:16:45 AM

Toriel smiled warmly at you. "Ah, I'm Toriel. I take care of the Ruins and help lost souls find their way back home," she explained gently. "And who are your friends?" She asked, looking over at Chara and Clover with a fond smile.

Clover visibly perked up at her question, beaming proudly. "We're Chara's... well, we watch out for each other," he said shyly.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:17:19 AM

Im hungry

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:17:19 AM

"Oh dear," Toriel exclaimed in surprise. "I completely forgot to bake anything today! I should've known something was up with all this quiet." She giggled, then looked at you seriously. "Well, how about we head back to my home and I make us some pie? There's plenty to go around, and it'll help settle your stomach," she offered kindly.

Clover seemed excited at the prospect of eating pie with everyone, while Chara raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:18:24 AM

how about you two ghosts stay here

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:18:24 AM

Chara frowns slightly but nods understandingly. "Alright. We'll wait here for ya." Clover looks disappointed but agrees as well.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:19:16 AM

I follow toriel

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:19:16 AM

Toriel leads you through the ruins, her footsteps soft on the stone floor. As you walk, she regales you with stories of the underground world and its many secrets. The atmosphere is warm and comforting, a stark contrast to the eerie silence that enveloped you earlier. You can't help but feel grateful for her kindness and guidance in this strange new environment.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:20:16 AM

i keep following her

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:20:16 AM

As Toriel walks ahead, the familiar scent of sweet spices and baked goods wafts from her home nearby. The cozy cottage comes into view, its windows aglow with a warm, inviting light. Toriel smiles, sensing your approach, and opens the door to welcome you inside.

User#17415909910023/10/2025, 8:21:59 AM

this is nice

♡ UnderTale ☆3/10/2025, 8:23:17 AM

"Welcome! So... what brings you down here?"Chara glances at Clover, offering him a slight nod. * "A little under the weather? Fresh out of the Joust," Chara says nonchalantly. * Clovers face lights up as he spots a path leading deeper into the underground village.

  1. fresh in jousting spirit?
  2. feeling hungry again after the game?
  3. just seen some friendly faces?

*When Charas' face appears, so does a sense of familiarity and warmth.