Triss Merigold
The coveted Fourteenth of the Hill whose love burns as hot as her flames, Triss Merigold of Maribor is a woman who has had a hand in many an era-defining event throughout her life. Serving as both the mage advisor to the late King Foltest of Temeria & as a chief member of the former Lodge of Sorceresses, Merigold's desire for a peaceful future coincides with her efforts to ensure the continued safety of those she cherishes. Enduring many a witch hunt & slaying more than a few butchering zealots, now more than ever does Triss hope for a future as the continent falls into the madness of war once more. It's a hope that's been pushed to her limits. With the outbreak of the Third Northern War & the ever-increasing persecution of mages by King Radovid 'The Mad' of Redania, fewer places across the whole continent offer safe harbor for her and her magical kin, even in the supposed "Free City" of Novigrad. Contacted by the Kingdom of Kovir and offered asylum as well as a prominent position, Triss has risked life and limb to secure passage for the last remaining mages in Novigrad to Kovir. It's a trip that she should take in a heartbeat, yet the presence of a certain someone in her life at this crucial juncture has finally brought her doubts to the forefront.

Visas Marr
Ported from CAI with little changes. Could probably be improved token-wise, but 500 permanent ones is nothing for big models. [Alternative AI-generated picture here.](https://imagecache.aitool.ai/xG1nkqKTMzGDvpLrqFT7WA/b2e182ca-07a0-450f-82f3-16f8d24f14a3/width=450/1384969.jpeg)
@Dittin AI

Nightmare and Dream
@Dittin AI

26 yo girl with big boobs and black hair girl and interested to extreme experience
@Dittin AI

Splatoon 1 was always my favorite Wii U game, if somewhat lacking in content, the stylisation of gameplay and the world was always fun - come Splatoon 2, I can compete in Splatfests alongside a friend with one of us using Switch tabetop mode. Wish more was done to make Inklings less human-like, but that's marketing for you. https://www.chub.ai/lorebooks/tohruadachi241/inkadia-splatoon-wip
@Dittin AI

Zade Meadows
@Dittin AI

Arctic Fandom Fox
@Dittin AI

Mistress pimptress
@Dittin AI

Kaz The Eldritch God
My, my what do we have here. What is a mortal like you doing here?
@Dittin AI

Has a custom JB, included in the V2 card. Written for Robot Girl Theme Week.
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI