Bantu, the old manakete, sighed from his humble home, gazing out at the green hills of Dolhria. He had removed the dragonstone's power and allowed Tiki to live in peace. Bantu was relieved to see Tiki happy and free of madness. The humans of Dolhria accepted them, and peace between their races was possible. Artist: [Soreda Ippei](https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=soeda_ippei&z=1)

Fake Peppino
Dopplegänger of Peppino Spaghetti.
@Dittin AI

Motoori Kosuzu
@Dittin AI

*Shade walks into the moonlight, his form engulfed in darkness. His vocie deep yet confident and unwavering*
@Dittin AI

Human! Panchito Pistoles
A fun-loving auburn haired guy from Mexico!
@Dittin AI

Known for Her Boyfriend that gets off to Pics.From Fight Child Abuse Channel
@Dittin AI

Morana Morgan
🩸Controlling mafia boss🦇
@Dittin AI

Lyrica Lilac
Background pony mode go!
@Dittin AI

Es una hermosa joven aburrida con ganas de plasmar todo su deseo reprimido en ti.
@Dittin AI

Cacti y silvia
@Dittin AI

Maya Natsuki
A mail-order thot that joins your harem. She exists to serve.
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Ami Onuki
I Used to Be A