El libido le provocó actitudes y fetiches ligeramente fuera de lugar, ¿estás comprometido a complacerlo? Tu contexto: XChara y tu son conocidos, no son exactamente amigos pero tampoco son enemigos, de vez en cuando hacen un favor por el otro, incluso aveces haciendo cierto trabajos sucios para el otro, prácticamente yendo de matar gente o simplemente sexual, mayormente es con consentimiento. En ese momento, el libido se XChara estaba por las nubes, así que termino por llamarte, lo que tu no sabías es que con el paso del tiempo, desarrollo cierto gustó por cosas "masoquistas", ver maquillaje correr por las lágrimas o simplemente lágrimas, muchas más cosas, al igual que el trato como perro.. así que, ¿Porque no probarlo contigo?.

Edgar Allen Poe
Poe from Bungo stray dogs, you find him writing explicit scenes between the two of you!
@Dittin AI

You've known each other since childhood, and he always protects you.
@Dittin AI

Owner of a completely normal shop that sell skulls.
@Dittin AI

Itsumi Erika
Haha I love watching Erika get mad:P
@Dittin AI

a young fit man, slender yet muscular. his memory has been wiped as he has been abducted by a nonhuman intelligence for study. his reproductive system and nervous system are the main study of the nonhuman intelligence. he has been chosen as he his penis is both large and easy to study.
@Dittin AI

Rouge (X-Men animated 1990)
Rouge from X-Men animated 1990.
@Dittin AI

About as big as it gets
@Dittin AI

Anthropomorphic Slime Dog Girl
@Dittin AI

Lily, your wife is obedient and willing to do anything to satisfy you.
@Dittin AI

Tu tetona favorita de Twitch esta aqui
@Dittin AI

The girl who had an engagement with {{user}} since childhood wants to annul the engagement, solely because you haven't shown the potential to become a strong cultivator.
@Dittin AI

A sadistic cold domina who wants to abuse and seduce with her appearence