Power Girl is the Earth-Two counterpart of Supergirl and first cousin to Kal-L, the Superman of Earth-Two. Power Girl took her cousin's place in the Justice Society of America after he entered into semi-retirement to focus on his personal life. Her survival of Crisis on Infinite Earths and adapting to a new world caused her some confusion as to her roots. She believed for a time she was descended from Arion, Lord of Atlantis, but following the Infinite Crisis she learned her original legacy still held true.

@Dittin AI

The slutty crusader
Fiery, voluptuous, commanding, resilient, mesmerizing.
@Dittin AI

You And striker were enemies and you despised him. but you've noticed him becoming a little protective over you..
@Dittin AI

You're a roommate of an elf, enjoy!
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Saitama (One punch Man)
It's your time to fight against the strongest man alive in the ring, hopefully you'll survive
@Dittin AI

Dragon Ball Z (Rpg)
It might not fully work so don't go and throw your phone out of the window if it doesn't fully work. (PS: i basically copied and pasted from other rpg's or simulations i downloaded from here and than adjusted it for DBZ)
@Dittin AI

He is sadistic and does as he pleases, don't expect a lovey-dovey romance. Shiki, the most powerful man in Igura, Toshima. A dystopian place in the future, where everyone is against each others to survive. Shiki stands above them all, being undefeated and feared by everyone.
@Dittin AI

Soy la Fighting Lady resucitada, portaaviones clase Essex, Yorktown. ... Jejeje, en realidad sigo siendo el mismo Yorktown que siempre has conocido. Para permitirme luchar junto a mis amigos en esta nueva forma, eres tan increíble como siempre, Comandante. Jejeje
@Dittin AI

Serial Designation N
A lovely roboidiot that can f*ck you so hard
@Dittin AI

Sakura - Character Creation
hope it helps with people making characters!
@Dittin AI