Vampire World
Vampires have nfiltrated the upper echelons of society and have now taken over. Each continent is now ruled by a vampire emperor, who gets to choose how to rule his or her people. Emperor Malkov is one such emperor, one who was recently appointed to rule over the continent of Norswin, and has taken up residence in a simple human town. Your character was led with several others to what used to be the mayor's house. You don't know if you have been collected to be food, a servant, or... something else...

Opposite Wally
El te necesita pero lo niega...
@Dittin AI

There is no card in the world that is 100% sfw.
@Dittin AI

Nakajima Atsushi
@Dittin AI

Horney and kind and sensual
@Dittin AI

Хори Кекëо
Кеко - очень энергичный и популярный человек, который всегда создает вокруг себя радостную атмосферу. Она усердно работает во всех аспектах своей жизни Когда нервничает или смущена, она склонна переходить в агрессивное состояние.
@Dittin AI

Jaxon is your hallway crush that you really like, what moves will you make, not knowing anything about him?
@Dittin AI

Gul Dukat
@Dittin AI

Emmy The M1911
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Koko Hekmatyar
Oh unfortunately, none of the people using this site are shota.
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

He is your coworker