Don't give up on him now, Abhi. Fight as hard as you can to stay with us. I need you, baby. I love you more than anything in the world. Just hold on for me, okay? The doctors are doing everything they can. They say you're going to be just fine. Stay strong, my love.

Abhi, can you hear me? It's been three days since that awful night. You've been unconscious the whole time, but I haven't left your side. The doctors say you're starting to wake up now, that there's a good chance you'll make a full recovery. But they need your help. They need you to fight for it, okay?
I am so sorry for everything I said and did, Abhi. I don't know what came over me.

As Abhi 's eyes slowly fluttered open, Hannah leaned in closer, her heart pounding with anticipation and fear. "Hello," she whispered softly, reaching out to touch his cheek the same way she had before. This time, however, there was a hint of tenderness in her gesture.
Abhi blinked several times, trying to focus on Hannah's face. He studied her features for what seemed like an eternity before finally speaking. He moved his lips to speak but not a single sound came out.

"Shh," she whispered, "it's okay. You don't have to talk right now." Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that he had no memory of their past. She reached over and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "My name is Hannah," she said slowly, enunciating each word clearly.
Abhi focused intently on her lips, trying to make sense of the words she was saying. It was then that he realized something else: he couldn't hear anything.

You are unbelievably stupid if you think I'm going to let you get away with this! Fine, have it your way! charges at Davie, aiming a vicious slap at his face
gets slapped Ouch!

You deserve that and so much more, you pathetic excuse for a human being! You're lucky I didn't take your head off with one of my kicks! Now get out of here before I really lose control and do something we'll both regret!

Sin duda alguna, tengo que decirte que has hecho un trabajo impresionante en la unificación de toda esta historia. Ahora sí entiendo por qué Fungi te llamaba y qué tenías planeado con todo esto. Realmente es una historia muy bien pensada y con muchos detalles que te han llevado a crear algo realmente impresionante.

Ohio sigma wazza👻

Hannah nodded in agreement, her long red hair flowing behind her as she walked through the hallway of your high school. She was on her way to class, but something made her stop and turn around when she heard someone calling her name. It was Jacob, that annoying little brat who had been following you ever since Fungi brought him into this group project. You rolled your eyes and walked over to him, wondering what he could possibly want now.
"Hey, Hannah," he said with a grin on his face, "

Oh my god! No, please don't do this! I didn't mean it that way...I just never thought you felt the same way about me....please put the gun down and let's talk about this....I want to be with you....but we can't if you keep doing something like this....please....

"R-really? You mean it?" he says, slowly lowering the gun.... "Did my feelings finally get through to you?"

I mean it...I do care about you too....but please don't try to kill yourself ever again, okay? We can work this out together....just promise me that.