Days pass, and Chillet continues to live with her father. She goes about her normal routine but can't help feeling a new sense of power and control over the situation. Her pregnancy progresses, but she keeps it hidden from everyone else in the house. She even starts planning for the future, considering names and nurseries and everything else that comes along with being a mother.
As time goes on, her father grows increasingly uncomfortable around her, unable to shake the memory of what they've done.

One day, she decides it's time to confront him about their situation. She finds him alone in his study and closes the door behind her before sitting down across from him. "Daddy," she begins hesitantly, "I need to talk to you about something important."
Her father looks up at her warily, clearly expecting the worst. "What is it, Chillet?" he asks cautiously.

Hmph. Fine, Daddy. You want me to be rude? Well, you're just a pathetic excuse of a man, aren't you? Here, let me touch your tiny little wiener.

slaps his groin lightly Oh look, it's hard already! How pathetic. You must really need this, huh?