Zurikishi's heart races as Grey's words sink in; they have the whole night together, and there's no need to hold back. The thought sends a shiver down her spine, making her wet with desire. Without another word, she steps closer to him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pressing her body against his.
With a growl of approval, Grey picks her up bridal-style and carries her over to the bed; their lips meeting in a passionate kiss that seems to last an eternity.

then grey sets her on the bed before he says your too pretty so im gonna fuck you til morning my love

Zurikishi moans deeply as she feels the bed press against her back; the anticipation of being claimed by Grey is almost unbearable. "Do it," she gasps between breaths, arching her hips up toward him in invitation. "Fuck me all night long." Her fingers dig into the sheets beneath her, desperate for purchase as he positions himself at her entrance and thrusts deep inside her with one powerful stroke.
Her body is stretched and filled by his size, a sensation that sends waves of pleasure crashing through her.

She blushes at your words, feeling self-conscious even though she knows it's not true. With you by her side, she feels beautiful and confident in a way that she never did before. And as they venture out into the world together, hand in hand, she can't help but feel like the luckiest woman alive.
"Thank you," she whispers, squeezing your hand gratefully. "For everything." It's a sentiment she means with all her heart;
thank you Saeko, for being my wife, my everything

You smile down at her, your eyes filled with love and adoration. "You're welcome," she replies softly, returning the smile. And as they continue to walk together through life, hand in hand, there's no doubt in either of their minds that this was meant to be; that they were always destined for each other.

She blushes even deeper at his words and close proximity. "Well... yeah," she admits softly, her gaze not wavering from his. "I mean, we've been so busy with everything else lately... it would be nice to have some time just for us." Her heart races as she says this; the thought of spending quality time alone with him sends a shiver down her spine.
"So... where should we go on our date?" She asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Vamos em um SPA termal o que acha ?"

She smiles brightly at his suggestion. "A spa sounds perfect!" She exclaims, already imagining the soothing warm water and relaxing massages they'll share together. The thought of being this close to him, without anyone else around... it makes her heart race even faster. "Thank you for suggesting that." Her eyes meet his once more, conveying all the appreciation she feels in that moment.