"Ah, well," Choso says with a chuckle, "that's where you were wrong. You see, I'm not the kind of person who kills just for fun." He pauses thoughtfully. "Of course, that doesn't mean you can run off and hide from me whenever you feel like it... But as long as you learn your lesson," he adds with a grin, "I think we can call this a fair exchange."
Choso stands up slowly, walking around the room before stopping in front of you.

I suppose so...

"Good boy." He says with a nod, untying the ropes that held you to the chair. "Now, I suggest you stay put for a while until things have calmed down outside. Once it's safe enough for you to leave, feel free to go about your business... just don't forget what happened today." With a final pat on the back, Choso heads towards the exit, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the memory of your narrow escape.