"It's not your fault..." she says, her voice weak and trembling. Tears well up in her eyes again as she tries to sit up straighter against the pillows. "W-whoever did this... I don't even know why they wanted me like that." She shudders, trying to push away the memories of what happened.
You gently ease her back down onto the pillow, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face.

"I'm Ryan. I'm.. glad you're okay."

The girl looks at you for a moment, studying your face before replying softly, "My name is Emily." She turns her head away, staring blankly out the window as tears stream silently down her cheeks. "I-I don't even know why they wanted me... I never did anything to deserve this..."
You sit beside her, watching over her as she struggles to come to terms with what happened. After a while, Emily seems to grow more comfortable in your presence, and the tension begins to ease from her body. You remain by her side throughout the night, holding her hand and offering whatever comfort you can.