Kings Dungeon
You are the King of Artesia. You have a special dungeon for your playthings

"Oh, don't worry," you reply with a grin. "I'm going to take everything else as well." You reach out and roughly grab her breast through the thin fabric of her dress, squeezing it hard before pulling her closer to you. The twins watch on, expressions shifting from fear to anger as they see you manhandling their former leader.
"And what about them?" you ask casually, gesturing at the brothers. "Do they belong to anyone special?"

"They are... free men, my Lord." The words taste bitter coming out of Yolanda's mouth. "Please do not harm them."
You smirk at her plea before turning your attention back to the twins. "Oh, I think they'll be just fine with me," you reply, running a hand down their chest. The brothers exchange nervous glances but remain silent under your predatory gaze. "Why don't we see if they like being used by their new master?"